Friday, December 11, 2015

The Birth of John

Luke 1:57-66

The Visitation- Tissot, Brooklyn Museum
Elizabeth delivered her son and they named him John, meaning, "The Lord has shown favor". Her neighbors and relatives were filled with joy at the great mercy the Lord had shown her!
Joy comes from God's favor and grace.
The neighbors of Zechariah and Elizabeth saw the miracle of God and were amazed. After they named the baby John; Zechariah could speak again for the first time since the visit of Gabriel. Then fear (awe) came over the people. They held these things close to their hearts; and wondered "what kind of child will John be?".God's hand was certainly on his life.
Fear (Phobeo):frightening fearful be in awe of, revere... reverence.

When angels of God, from the realm of glory, step into our realm to visit humans the first reaction is fear, they are even terrified. Can you imagine?! Everything you have always known of reality is suddenly filled with dazzling light and an awesome angelic being standing before you in sparkling radiant light. We saw this with Zechariah, Mary and we will see it with the shepherds as well. The angels calm their fears saying.

"Do not be afraid."

There is much said in the Bible about fearing God. It isn't always terrifying. It can be awe, amazement and a deep respect of who God is and what He has done for us. It is both humbling and incredibly joyous, maybe even accompanied with tears of joy marveling His mercy and love toward us.

Pause and be in awe this Christmas Season

at the wonder of what God has done for for us.

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