Saturday, December 26, 2015

Home in Nazareth

Today's Reading: Matthew 2:19-23, Luke 2:39, 40

Again we see the faithfulness of Joseph to follow God's leading for his family. Each of the places he goes fulfills OT prophecies. Initially, he went to Bethlehem for the census and Jesus was born there just as prophesied by Micah. Then being warned in a dream, he takes them to Egypt until Herod dies. As they leave Egypt to return to Israel another prophecy was fulfilled, "Out of Egypt I called My Son". As they returned to Israel Joseph, after hearing that Herod's son was ruling, he took Mary and Jesus to Nazareth fulfilling,

"He shall be called a Nazarene." 

In Nazareth, Jesus grew up. Luke says:

"There the child grew up healthy and strong.

He was filled with wisdom,
and God's favor was on Him."
Luke 2:40 NLT

What do you think Jesus was like as a boy? Was He a bright joyful child, curious and eager to learn? As He grew do you think He was a caring young man, lively and strong, perhaps playing games with the children and carrying them on His shoulders? He was likely an encouragement to those who were struggling, someone who gave wise advise to those who were hurting. People were probably drawn to the favor of God that easily rested upon Him.

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