Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Simeon See's God's Salvation

Today's Reading: Luke 2:21-38
Simeon's Moment - Ron DiCiani 

"... my eyes have seen Your salvation
Which you have prepared before the face of all peoples,
A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel."
Luke 2:30-32

Enjoy your reading today with all the wonderful things in these verses.

Jesus is presented to the Lord by His parents.Both Simeon and Anna, faithful elderly servants of God were led by the Holy Spirit to come into the temple at that moment. Notice Luke mentions the Holy Spirit three times in the life of Simeon. Praise to God, He has provided the same Holy Spirit to us today, in even greater measure through Christ.

Simeon and Anna had eyes to see the promise of Messiah in that little baby boy and spoke of amazing things to Mary and Joseph. This passage is full of vision! Notice the references to seeing... not see death... my eyes have seen your salvation... and of course light and glory. Jesus often spoke of having eyes to see. The Spirit leads us by giving us pictures in our mind and we follow His vision. Readings for the next two days will direct us to passages declaring Jesus to be light and the brightness of God's glory.

God has prepared salvation for all people, 
revelation for the Gentile and glory for the Jew.

My heart goes out to Mary as Simeon prophecies directly to her "yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also". She never forgot that and must have wondered how those words would be fulfilled.

Bless each of you today as you look for redemption, 
see God's wonderful Salvation in this tiny child,
His light of revelation and His glory. 

Note: If you would like to purchase a print of Simeon's Moment go to Masterpiece Christian Fine Arts Foundation.

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