Tips for Parents

1.) If you plan to use the devotions on this blog, you can either write out the references and do it on your own. If you want more assistance and help with questions to ask the kids you can either bring an I-Phone or I-Pad to the table; or like I did, you can copy and paste the devotion off of the blog onto a Word document. Then take out the pictures and condense the spaces and verses for printing.

2.) You can show your kids how to enlarge the pictures by clicking on them. Some get quite large and you can see the detail better. When you enlarge the black and white ones they can be copied and pasted to a word document and printed for a coloring sheet. You could even copy and paste an appropriate verse underneath the image. The image can be enlarged again in Word, depending on your Word skills.

3.) Customize your time together to your family, the age of your children and the time you have together. Keep it simple and easy. The main thing with this is don't get overwhelmed; but do find time at dinner to light your candles and even if you do one little thing to focus hearts on Jesus, it will be well worth it. Even if you just sing a Christ centered carol or read a simple passage or verse to talk about. If you get behind, just pick up again and go. Choose either the devotion for the day or a favorite that you missed. Or create your own curriculum