Sunday, December 6, 2015

John's Birth Announced to Zechariah

Luke 1:1-25 

Remember how Abraham and Sarah were unable to have children and got very old. But, the Lord said to Sarah, 'Is there anything too hard for the Lord?'. I wonder if God has a surprise for Zechariah and Elizabeth. Let's see. 

Read Luke 1:8-12 in your own Bible. Put yourself in Zechariah s place as he walks into the temple, perhaps the air is heavy with the scent of frankincense and light is filtering through the haze. There is a sense of holiness and of the glory of God is thick. 

Imagine seeing the glory of a real angel from heaven. Usually people are so amazed that they are afraid. How would you feel if an angel came to you with a special message? The angel Gabriel had a joyful message for Zechariah.  
Read verses 13-17  Here are the verses foretelling the life of John that stood out to me:
"You will have great joy and gladness...
for he will be great in the eyes of the Lord...
He will be filled with the Holy Spirit,
even from His mothers womb.
And he will turn many of the children of Israel
to the Lord their God...
to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children...
to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
Luke 1:15-17 NLT NKJ

Johns name means: "The Lord (Yah Weh) has shown favor (grace) Notice the promise of joy and gladness for Zacharias, Elizabeth and those close to them at John's Birth. Vs 14 and 19.

Finish reading the story vs 18-15.
  • Do you think Zechariah showed a lack of faith?
  • How did Gabriel respond to Zechariah?
  • What happened after?

Joy emanates from God's favor and grace.
Seek Him and you will joy in His grace.

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