Saturday, November 28, 2015

Tomorrow Advent Begins

Tomorrow is the first day of Advent.

We will put up an Advent reading every day for you to drop by and enjoy. If you have time, a comment will be welcomed. This Advent Blog is for kids and families to give idea's and devotions to share times together and start a new tradition to bring meaning into their Christmas Season. Enjoy this Season with your Lord and with your family. It is a perfect way to introduce and teach your children the gospel of Christ.

Tomorrow is the first day of Advent when you light the first candle.

"The first candle is traditionally the candle of Expectation or Hope (in some traditions, Prophecy). This draws attention to the anticipation of the coming of an Anointed One, a Messiah that weaves its way like a golden thread through Old Testament history. As God’s people were abused by power hungry kings, led astray by self-centered prophets, and lulled into apathy by half-hearted religious leaders, there arose a longing for God to raise up a new king who could show them how to be God’s people. They yearned for a return of God’s dynamic presence in their midst."

This week we will look at the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis. We will see Christ in creation, the creation of people and then evil and why it was necessary for Jesus to come. 

Blessings ~ Sheri

Also we have another blog that will put up more in depth daily Advent readings that adults may enjoy called Journey with Jesus

Brand New: We have a website called Tell His Story
Why would I put up a website, when I already have several blogs? This site has the same content but is arranged in a page format with daily readings arranged week by week. Check it out to see if it is easier for you to follow. I would love you comments.

PS. Do you have your candles yet? I am going out today to buy some, put them in candle holders and arrange them around a simple Christmas wreath. I use red for the first four around the wreath and white in the center for the arrival of the Christ Child. But other traditions use other colors.

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