Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Alive

For more on the Passion Story go to
Journey with Jesus

The Tomb is Empty

Silent Sabbath

The tomb is empty! 
Christ Jesus is Alive! 
We are free and forgiven, 
heavens gates are open wide!
Enter in to the empty tomb 
and believe.
You will have live in His name.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Passion Week Readings

Dads and Moms: If you want to have devotions with your children this Passion Week, I have summarized readings in each of the Gospels below.  I also included my commentary that is also posted on Journey with Jesus. I pray God will bless you and your children as you spend time with them, reading the word of God this pivotal week. Let us not let the Easter Bunny steal away our children s hearts from being moved by our Lords Passion, Death and Resurrection.

This week is the week of all weeks... the week that changed the destiny of all mankind. It is Passion Week, which is the week of our Lords Passion as He looks toward what He was purposed to do from eternity past... to suffer and die as an innocent man, at the hands of sinful men. In so doing, He made a way for all who believe in Him, to once again have access to God. People were created by God with the intention to be close to Him, to walk with Him every day and talk to Him, just as Adam and Eve did in the garden. But, when they sinned they were separated from God. And all their descendants, all other people to follow them were also separated from God. That is us, here thousands of years later. Jesus, was the second Adam and He came to restore our union with God through faith in Him and the sacrifice He made for us. You see as sinners we all deserve to die and be punished for our sins. He paid the price so we who believe could be forgiven, become new creations so we can have our innocence restored; so we can walk and talk with God.

Christ Mocked by Carl Bloch
You can share in His Passion, share His heart by reading in one or all of the gospels the last week of His life, His Passion Week. It is in this week that Jesus, knowing that He would soon leave this earth, that He told His disciples the things that were most important to Him. You can either choose a book to follow or scan to find the messages that the Lord would have you read. Matthew and Mark are very similar. Luke too, is similar, but has some different stories in it as well. All three of these books have end times prophecy.  John is completely different. There is a lot of emphasis in John on the Last Supper and John recorded many important teachings for His disciples. All of these readings begin with the Triumphal Entry and end at the end of each book. I pray God will bless you each day as you look into Jesus' last week on this earth.

Matthew chapters 21- 28, you will find the Triumphant Entry, Parables of the Two Sons, the Wicked Vine Dressers and the Wedding Feast, the Greatest Commandment, Warnings about false religion, End Times, the Parables of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, The Talents, and the Sheep and the Goats. Then you will find the plot to kill Jesus, His betrayal, Passover, the Last Supper, Gethsemane, Betrayal, the Trials and the death on the cross, Jesus is buried, He is Risen and the Great Commission.

Mark 11-16, you will find the Triumphant Entry, Parable of the Wicked Vine Dressers, Greatest Commandment, Warnings about false religion, End Times, the plot to kill Jesus, the anointing at Bethany, His betrayal, Passover, the Last Supper, Gethsemane, Betrayal, the Trials and the death on the cross, Jesus is buried, He is Risen and the Great Commission.

Jesus before Pontius Pilate
Luke 19:28 - Chapter 24,  you will find the Triumphant Entry, Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem, Parable the Wicked Vine Dressers, the destruction of Jerusalem, End Times, Then you will find the plot to kill Jesus, Disciples argue over greatness, Passover, the Last Supper, Gethsemane,  Betrayal, the Trials and the death on the cross, Jesus is buried, He is Risen, Jesus appears to His disciples, Ascension.

John 12:12- Chapter 21, you will find the Triumphant Entry, the Grain of Wheat, Walk in the Light, Jesus washes His disciples feet, Jesus is the Way, The Father is revealed, Answered Prayer, Another Helper, the Spirit of Truth, Gift of His Peace, The True Vine, Love and Joy, the coming rejection, the Work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus prays for Himself, His disciples, and all other believers, His betrayal and arrest in Gethsemane,  the Trials and the King on a cross, Jesus is buried, the empty tomb, the apostles commissioned, and breakfast by the Sea.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Season for Everything

Spring is on the move. I am seeing the first signs of new life all around. The mini iris' and narcissus have joined the heather in colorful blooms. And the house finches are eying the potted Alberta Spruces by our living room windows. Just about every year a young couple starts a family in one of the tree's.

Coming into Spring - Sheri Dinardi

Yes, there is new life springing up everywhere and the anticipation of colorful, beautiful times in the sun is making these dreary rainy days a little more tolerable. There is a rhythm in nature of times and of seasons. There is a rhythm in our life with God. In the book of Exodus, God lays out three Feasts to be kept to God by the Israelites. In total God gave Israel seven feasts to be celebrated through out the year. The term "keep a feast" means to be festive, dance, assemble for rejoicing and celebration. The Old Testament abounds in feasts and celebrations, ordained by God and bringing joy to the people. Solomon wisely says in Ecclesiastes 3:

"To everything there is a season,  
A time for every purpose under heaven: 
A time to be born, And a time to die;..."  
and so it goes through a litany of times in our lives.

Just as the Israelites celebrated yearly seasonal Feasts, so the traditional church has celebrated a church year as well. I am an Evangelical Christian from the US and like most Evangelicals, I was not brought up with the church year. (Though I began to learn about it as I researched how to celebrate Advent with my children when they were small. I wanted to bring more meaning into our Christmas celebration. Now my girls are grown and have families of their own. I began Journey with Jesus during Advent of 2009 to help people to celebrate Advent with daily readings.  My other two related blogs are similar. I started Advent for Kids in 2010 to help my kids and grand kids to celebrate Advent. It is full of resources to help families have a more meaningful Christmas Season. Follow Jesus for Kids was started early 2011 to help kids through the year to Journey with Jesus. It somewhat follows this blog, but simplified and not as frequent of posts. Little did I know these blogs would go far and wide over the earth!)

According to the church calendar Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and marks the first day of Lent. The quote below is a simple description of Lent found in the introduction of a pamphlet of Lent Devotions. You can find more information by clicking the read more below.

"What is Lent? For some Christians, Lent has always been a part of their spiritual life and practice, but for others it is unfamiliar. Lent is the season when Christians have historically prepared their hearts for Easter with reflection, repentance, and prayer. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and proceeds for forty days, culminating in Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Since Sundays are weekly celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus, the six Sundays in Lent are not counted as part of the forty-day season. Many Christians choose to fast throughout the season of Lent, but the focus is not so much on depriving themselves of something as it is on devoting themselves to God and His purposes in the world.

Lent is an important season of the church year. The church year is an excellent way to help us focus our attention on God by the way we organize our time."  Read More

If you are new to this as I am, the read more  above will help you to find some resources.

The upcoming posts on Journey with Jesus will go well with the season of Lent. We will continue with the next two Beatitudes... Blessed are those who mourn and Blessed are the meek. They will lead into Passion Week, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear Reader from Afar

I write this blog today to you dear readers who are from all parts of the earth. Thank you for coming and reading this blog. I wonder who you are and what you are experiencing in a land so far from my own.

The last 12 days have been stunning with the events taking place in the streets of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, even Jordan and now Syria as demonstrations, riots, and demands for leaders to step down take place. What is the significance of all of this in relation to the end of the age. Are we coming close? Is Jesus' return close? How are you, dear reader? Are you OK? What are you experiencing?

Today's message of Repentance is timely for us all, as each of us must keep our hearts pure before God regardless of where we live and the culture we live in. I used the church of the Laodecia from the book of Revelation, because in a general sense if fits the church in the US as a whole. But if you are enduring tribulation or persecution, I offer the words of Jesus to the church of Smyrna, the persecuted church, for your encouragement and send them with my prayers.

"I know your suffering and your poverty... but your are rich! 
I know the blasphemy of those opposing you... 
Don't be afraid of what you are about to suffer. 
The devil will throw some of you into prison to test you... 
But if you remain faithful even when facing death, 
I will give you the crown of life.
Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit 
and understand what He is saying to the churches. 
Whoever is victorious 
will not be harmed by the second death." 
Revelation 2:9-11 NLT

Beautiful promises. If you are suffering and would like prayer, please comment and we will pray for you.

Visit our other two blogs for continuing posts: Journey with Jesus, Follow Jesus for Kids.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Following Jesus

We have continued following Jesus on our new blog Follow Jesus for Kids. We are reading along in Matthew and Luke, where we left off with the Christmas Story; looking at the ministry of John the Baptist, the meaning of repentance, the kingdom of heaven, fruit worthy of repentance, the Baptism of Jesus, seeing Him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and the temptation of Adam and Eve. Like Advent for Kids, it has a beautiful art images and hopefully messages to inspire us in our walk with Jesus. Here is a recent post you may enjoy: Temptation of Jesus.

~Bless you in your desire to follow Jesus.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Searching for the King

To continue the Search for the King, I have started a new blog for families with kids. It is called Follow Jesus for Kid's. It will continue through the year until the next Advent comes along. Join us in Searching for the King as we continue reading in the gospels about the life of Jesus. The gospels are like the journals of those who lived with Jesus. Matthew and John actually traveled with Him while He was here on this earth. They were eyewitnesses of everything He did and said. John say's this:

"We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, 
who we have heard and seen. 
We saw Him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. 
He is the Word of life. " 
I John 1:1, 2 NLT

Imagine being Matthew or John, and seeing Jesus with your own eyes and touching Him with your own hands!!! We can imagine what they saw and felt, by reading their journal, their story of being with Him. It is in these gospels that we will find the stories of Jesus' life and His very words! The gospels of Mark and Luke are very good too. Mark was a friend of Peter, who traveled with Jesus. And Luke was a friend of Paul, who had a vision of Jesus after He rose from the dead. To see more go to: Follow Jesus for Kid's.

I pray the Lord will Bless you this new year ~ Grandma Sheri